Reintegration to Society Program:
On this stage, the main goal is the implementation of new guidelines for the personal and social life of the rehabilitated individual, including financial autonomy, healthy and supportive relationships and creative goals.
The support and guidance of these individuals as they make their first steps of integration into society are of imperative importance.
In order for this to be achieved, vocational training is necessary alongside with counseling so the integration to the workplace can take place.
The reintegration to Society program includes:
- Individual and group counseling
- Psychological support
- Accommodation to the unit’s housing facility, as long as the individual doesn’t have a place to stay (men only)
- Job/ Housing search
- Development of productive activities
- Development of constructive relationships
At this phase, the individuals are called to manage:
- Their interpersonal relationships
- Their financial situation
- Their financial situation
- Obligations at home and at the workplace
- Their bills and debts
Counseling Center:
It is the first step of support and encouragement for all the men, women and their families who want to escape the hell of addiction.
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